Jeeo creations

Jeeo Creations is a side business where I create custom stencils that will allow clients to easily fill the board with home-dyed rangoli (colored rice). 

With the handful of orders I’ve created thus far, I’ve taken time and care when creating initial sketches and implementing them into color-coordinated stencils. The process consists of making a digital sketch of the design based on the idea or reference the client provides. After the sketching phase, I create the color-coded stencil. Lastly, the client receives the board to fill out on their wedding ceremony.

In addition to rangoli boards, I also create custom wedding week signage for brides to display during their wedding week. The sign includes all wedding events, dates and times, as well as illustrations to emphasize the joyous occasion.

*All professional photography credits go to KSWAY FLIMS & Megan Gentry Photography.

Follow Jeeo Creations on Instagram @jeeocreations